selena marie gomez
selena marie gomez så fin hoppas hon skriver en kommentar och gillar min blogg såååå coolt
Postat av: Selena Marie Gomez
hey! What fun that you write about me. I'm not good at all in Swedish, but with the computer it becomes a little easier. I'll probably comment on trusting another to your blog as well. but right now I have a little busy. And unless your friend Milla had a recommended your blog förmigså I had never even seen your wonderful blog! So thank Milla and make alt for her, she seems to be a wonderful friend. If you have questions, check it on my blog called:
Postat av: Selena Marie Gomez
Hello! What fun that you write about me on your blog. I read it because your friend Milla or whatever her name was, told me about your blog. The ee course in Swedish, but I use a little different translation programs so you can finally ... From Selena Marie Gomez